Both of our eyes were designed to see the world equally. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone: Amblyopia is when one eye does not see as well as the other.
This may be caused by:
Uneven Refraction
Congenital Myopia
Family history or genetics
The brain automatically chooses to ignore the blurred image from the weaker eye. The nerves are not stimulated and can often regress. It is important to assess and treat this problem to balance out your vision. Often glasses are able solve this problem.
Kiddies Eye Care proudly works with a Melbourne-based lens company to make specialised lenses which are specifically targeted to assist with the growth of the neurones to the visual cortex.
High-definition digital, quality lenses with differing design, including anti-Fatigue or Shaw lens have produced amazing results. In many cases we have had such vast improvements that have eliminated the need to patch.
Occlusion therapy may also be required in some situations where unequal vision in both eyes continues. By patching the good eye, the weaker eye is encouraged to wake up and work. Alternatively, atropine drops are able to achieve the same mechanism.
We strive to achieve that all our children “have a spare tyre” with regards to two eyes working. Only once the vision is improved can the eyes then learn to see together and promote stereopsis/3D/depth perception.