Amblyopia – The Lazy Eye
Amblyopia or lazy eye, is when one eye does not see as well as the other.
Some causes could be due to:
– Uneven refraction (spectacles required)
– Strabismus (turned eye)
– Uncorrected astigmatism
The brain will choose to ignore the blurred image from this amblyopic eye. The nerves are thus not stimulated, and can often regress. It is important to assess and treat this problem.
Spectacles will often solve this problem. Patching may also be required. Patching of the good eye, will encourage the weaker eye to wake up and work. Often equal vision in each eye may not be achievable, but getting it to a reasonable vision, allows for our children to “have a spare tyre” with regards to two eyes working.
Once the vision is improved, then the eyes can learn to see together and promote Stereopsis (3D vision).