Congenital Cataracts and Myopia in Babies
A concerned mother presented to my clinic, feeling her little boy couldn’t see.
This little boy looked happy and was able to engage with objects at near. How was it possible that this smiling and content child couldn’t see?
Was this mother just over concerned because he hadn’t crawled at 11 months? All babies are different.
A thorough eye exam, however, was able to confirm that a mothers gut feelings should never be ignored. Not only did this child have a Myopia prescription, he had congenital cataracts.
It was the most amazing experience watching this little baby’s face when he put his glasses on for the first time.
His world was suddenly clear.
An amazing outcome that will enable his senses to truly appreciate the beauty of his world. An amazing moment, where we know that his vision will no longer stop him reaching all his milestones.
This amazing little babe not only crawled 4 days after getting his glasses, but is now able to recognise his father coming home from work.
A Priceless moment, I will always cherish.