red eye

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Does your child often rub their eyes or squint hard? Do their eyes look red and puffy?

Often people assume that a red eye is due to conjunctivitis – a viral or bacterial infection of the conjunctiva. However, a red eye can also be due to allergies, represent a corneal infection (keratitis), scratch or injury. Other potential reasons may be due to Meibomian gland dysfunction, blocked tear ducts, insufficient tear production or blepharitis.

Unlike conjunctivitis, blepharitis is a conditioning involving the infection or inflammation of the eyelashes. This can be caused by bacteria, viruses or even our normal commensal parasites, known as Demodex mites.

At Kiddies Eye Care, we have now established measures to keep this eight-legged ectoparasite under control by offering the Blephex treatment which includes the use of teatree oil and a massager to clean the eyelid area.

It is important to see your optometrist to for the correct diagnosis as some conditions can be highly contagious and early diagnosis and appropriate measures can help to limit its spread – particularly in a school or work-place environment.

Red eyes on occasion are not a cause for alarm, however persistent red eyes accompanied by pain, itchy, swelling, soreness and unusual discharged should be assessed as soon as possible.

concerned your child may have red eye?

Book their comprehensive eye examination today at kiddies eye care today.

common eye conditions we treat



